Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holding Justice High

July 8, 2008
After an intense conversation and an important history lesson with Lyn about the worsening political situation, and vast injustices occurring and perpetuating in eastern Congo, even as the world hardly knows about it …
Me: “I have such a hard time hearing about what is happening to the most destitute people and not doing anything about it, not taking the weight of the world upon myself. But if I do, I’ll exhaust myself before I can even do anything. But it just weighs upon me…”
Lyn: “It’s our natural aversion towards injustice. It shows our divine nature, that we are not able sit here and do nothing about what is happening. We must fight for justice… we will hold the flag of justice high, even if we are sinking, all the way down we will hold justice high.”
Me: “Justice... but as humanity we have so completely messed up the way that God wanted things to be. We have totally screwed it up in the worst way and done an unbelievably phenomenal job at it.”
Lyn: “Yes, but that’s why Paul, in the Bible, states so firmly the three virtues that we must always cling to: hope (for if we lose it we have lost it all), faith and love. Hopelessness is contagious. But so is hope, so we must cling to hope!”
A final hug, the sharing of hope and strength from one person to another. May God give me hope, faith and love as I go to Masisi on Friday, the territory controlled by Rwandan rebels since August.

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