Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Correction to last entry

My most sincere apologies. Entry #7 of my last blog, "Goma… will I ever understand?" has an incorrect statement. The correct condition for the "rashes" that I have on my cheek and neck, which were too perfectly circular to be the Nairobi beetle, is actually RINGWORM. Awesome. Thanks, kiddies, I appreciate you sharing that with me!
Oh- the ladies here, who notified me of the exact nature of my “dime-sized” marks, said that when you get ringworm, it means that someone in your family is pregnant. If this is true, somebody please let me know- and next time, if you wouldn’t mind, could do that via a phone call or an email instead? Now if you'll excuse me, back to business: I have some meds to take and an ointment to smear on.


Mark said...

I had ringworm in Guat. It's not so bad once you know what it is. Make sure you take some pictures of is one of my proudest memories. Miss you! mark

Dan said...

I am not pregnant...